Website Set-Up Digital Marketing

As Business Owner, If You Have Already Developed A Preliminary Strategy For Marketing And Customer Outreach Program, IMCC Could Be Your Trustworthy And Knowledgeable Partner To Implement And Optimize The Digital Footprint.

Website Set-Up Digital Marketing

From Website Set-Up, To Omni Channel Social Media Tactics, IMCC’s Marketing Guru Could Contribute On A Day-To-Day Management Basis, For Your Digital Endeavors.

In order to ensure the maximum take-away from our digital endeavors.

The social media together with the website campaign is one critical part in the designed end-to-end customer journey. Customer expectation are straightforwardly being expressed via social media platforms, it would be an ignorance if organization miss out the opportunity to interact with the customers / potential customers, and get first-hand insights and user data that will serve as valuable intangible assets for the organization.

IMCC shall work closely with you

as a delegated administrator for your website and social media account management. We are skilled in search engine optimization, key words / content marketing. We deliver structured content tactics and leads life cycle framework. Handling digital marketing highly demands detail orientation, responsiveness, agility, and business acumen, and IMCC aligns our core business value with all the above merits

Website Set-Up Digital Marketing

In order to ensure the maximum take-away from our digital endeavors.

Our Detailed Service Offerings

we have customized solution for you.

Website set-up / optimizing strategy

SEO advisory

Omni-channel management

APP marketing

Social media suitability and reality check

Digital dynamics and analytical tools